Monday, September 14, 2009

I will not be posting until i've made visible and significant progress on decluttering and cleaning up. watch this space.
Peace, love and kittehs


Thursday, September 10, 2009

slog happy was, as always, happy, if a bit warmish. a combination of hot flashes and a warm evening on a west facing deck. a deck with spectacular views of the city and mountains at sunset. sometimes i just love this ol' town. i'm tired after a full day. the movies with janice (julie and julia is half good), stopped at super supplements for some black cohosh to combat the hot flashes, then off to the lookout to mix and mingle with the slog happy crowd. weather promises to be quite lovely the next few days. shan't deter me from the task at hand, which is mucking out. i want to finish the bedroom project by tomorrow. the cat is giving me the fisheye, which means she wants clean litter. i'd best obey her rat NOW.
peace, love and kittehs

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

they are suffering at work without me. muah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!

okay, that's enough schadenfreude. mary did say they were busy and she never realized how much i actually do as front desk person. damn skippy there's a lot to do. that will change, however, when i return in oh, say, a few weeks or so.

had a very nice lunch with mary at grand central bakery, and regaled her with tales of working at a french restaurant with crappy food and an explosive french chef whose taste buds had been shot off in the algerian conflict and as a result the food was heavy on the MSG. now it's a sports bar. Ha! the irony! tempus fugits.

tomorrow i shall see to the bedroom again. no more going out and dinking around until it looks better in there. unfortunately, rod s won't be starting work on the new basement storage units until the end of the month. i shall try to encourage him to start after he returns from vacation. i need a place for my stuff.

The kitteh's new nickname is "Winkie Sue". i am watching battlestar galactica from the beginning and it's still a tad confusing. great acting and superb writing. i'm at the beginning the three hour mini series. then i shall work my way through the subsequent seasons.

all for now.

Peace, love and kittehs.


Monday, September 7, 2009

had a terrific time out at mom's today. sun came out just in time for me to sit out on the patio and do the sunday new york times' crossword puzzle. which i finished. yay me. but the best thing about mom's is the best food in the world. and today it was homemade plum cobbler. pure heaven, with plums from the tree in the backyard. and of course the company of her two kittehs, Gus and Tillie. who needs TV when you can watch cats?
today i risked it all for love and it paid off. i go to london on the 24th with my sweetheart joyously awaiting my arrival.
tomorrow it's back to the YMCA, meet a friend for lunch, then back home for more improvements. i'd like to get started on these new storage units in the former billard room.
Peace, love and kittehs,

Sunday, September 6, 2009

ooh. the weather turned good and wet today. perfect for baking french breakfast puffs. i'm proud of the progress in the bedroom, and that i've actually put away all my clothes and washed the dirty ones. for a messy like me, this is progress. all i gotta do now is keep it up. tomorrow i'm out to mom's and let's hope the weather will be agreeable. ah, that breeze feels lovely. which means the hot flashes haven't gone away, dog take it. i thought i got through this years ago! but it's a beautiful windy night.
peace, love and kittehs
bedroom clean up 50% done. found the movie tickets, yay! after a good bowl of hot oatmeal, i am ready for bed. winkie seems rather puzzled by it. i tell her it's all for the best.
tomorrow, finish up, throw out recyclables, put don't-want-stuff out on curb if weather is agreeable, and wash clothes/dishes.

peace, love and kittehs


Saturday, September 5, 2009

goal for today: bedroom half finished.

Friday, September 4, 2009

the time is NOW.

if not now, when?

push aside all distractions and focus on the work at hand.



Thursday, September 3, 2009

oops! forgot to post yesterday. i did finally send off the lost bond affidavit to tish and ashley with enclosed self addressed stamped envelopes, so i'm not completely lazy. maybe. now i'm all depressed because i can't get my $600 back i spent on an airline ticket to london to see my sweetheart and if i don't act soon i won't be able to even change the reservation to a later date. wait, i can. if i'm willing to stump up $275 change fee plus any change in fare. screwed both ways.

one nice thing: $5 burger night at the deluxe bar and grill got me a delicious garden burger with cheese and onions and a side of fries.

all for now. i'm sure things will change by tomorrow.

Peace, love and kittehs


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

i've had an upset stomach for the last two days. it's probably stress. great! all i need. perhaps the milk of magnesia will help some. dinner at petra's last night was just the best. i must have more evenings out with good food and conversation. the leftover veggie kebabs tasted even better for breakfast this morning. i shall be taking janice tufte there for lunch sometime soon.

all for now. shall try to get back up to longer posts when this doggone upset stomach goes away. bloody full moon.

peace, love and kittehs
